Ooblets Wiki
Ooblets Wiki

Characters are the various NPCs that inhabit the world of Oob. The Player can interact and have dance battles with most NPCs.

Badgetown NPCs[]

Befriendable NPCs[]

Befriendable NPCs are unique characters with whom the Player can build relationships. They possess custom dialogue, follow unique daily schedules, and have the potential to give random small miscellaneous tasks to the Player.

These characters can be viewed in the Pals! section of the Grumboire.

The friendship system will only begin to progress once the Player has fixed the Friendship Sticker Printypress, one of the first Tinstle Tasks.

Other NPCs[]

Other NPCs are less important NPCs that do not have a friendship meter, nor do they give miscellaneous tasks or possess custom dialogue. Instead, when interacted with, they pick a random statement from a pool of generic quotes.

Other Regions NPCs[]

NPCs in the regions outside of Badgetown may have their own unique dialogue, routines, and can be interacted with to progress a Tinstle Task or purchase an item, but they do not possess a friend meter or grant the player anything special. Currently, once the Tinstle Task is complete for the area, the NPC's pull dialogue from a generic list.


  • Downmark - Lives in the Mamoonia Oobnet Tower. The character used to be male but after the release is female.
  • Bryter - Resident
  • Pubrock - Resident
  • Ottomatt - Resident
  • Kropredy - Resident


Port Forward[]

Pantsabear Hill[]

Tippy Top[]

