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Golden Skellybit
Golden Skellybit
Location: Badgetown, Nullwhere
Slurry: 60
Sell Prices
Player Shop (level 3): 2 Gummies
Grumboire Icon Kind of like a skellybit but golden and much more rare
~ Grumboire

Golden Skellybits are a rare resource that can be obtained during the Halloween Event.

How to Obtain[]

There are 2 primary ways to obtain Golden Skellybits, and 2 unreliable or useless ways:

  1. Whenever you find a dig spot using the Dowsing Twisty Licorice Sticks in Badgetown or Nullwhere, there is a small chance (roughly 20%) that the pile will contain Golden Skellybits instead of normal Skellybits. Whenever this happens, the pile will randomly contain between 1 and 3 Golden Skellybits.
  2. They can be conjured by brewing the Distillate of Decomposition potion (the middle, purple one) in the cauldron. Golden Skellybit appears to be the most common item that is conjured by brewing that potion, but it still only appears roughly 15% of the time.
  3. [Unreliable] They can occasionally be found on the ground in Nullwhere, but they seem to be very, very rare. The players who have reported finding one say they only ever find exactly one and have never found another. Most other players say they have never found any by this method, so perhaps this was silently patched out. They glow and sparkle, so they are easy to see. It costs 3 energy to pick one up.
    Golden Skellybit Nullwhere
  4. [Useless] They can also be conjured by brewing Tincture of Torpid Treasure potion (the right, red one) in the cauldron. But this potion requires 1 Golden Skellybit to even brew it, so you do not actually gain more overall.

