This is an introductory How to Play Guide for Ooblets meant to cover the basics. More specific wiki pages should be referred to for more specific information. This is spoiler-free.
Starting Your Adventure as an Oobin[]
As the world is called Oob, the maybe-human inhabitants of Oob are called oobins. Upon starting a new save, you can customize your oobin's name, skin tone, hair style and color, and your starting outfit. Names and skin tones cannot be changed later, but more clothes can be obtained elsewhere, like at Kibbon-bon, and hair can be customized at Snups.
After you finish customization, you will arrive at Badgetown and start your new life with the help of Badgetown's mayor, Tinstle. With her help, you will meet Badgetown's residents, choose an Ooblet club, and get your first Ooblet.
Tip: Club choice does not affect gameplay in any way except for what your starter Ooblet is. All club Ooblets will appear regularly in Badgetown after purchasing the appropriate Wishy Well upgrades.
Ooblets are the titular creatures of the game. Something between a plant and animal, they grow from seeds that you can obtain by beating a wild Ooblet in a dance battle. Luckily, Mayor Tinstle gives you a farm that is the perfect place for you to grow your new friends.
What you choose to do with your new farm is entirely up to you. There is trouble brewing in Oob, and maybe you can do something to help. However, there's no rush! You can take as long as you want to finish any task that Tinstle or others set forth with no penalties for procrastinating, and the game never ends even if the main story does.
Ooblets Dance Off[]
“ | Ooblets are mysterious creatures and they apparently love dancing. It's very important to them. | „ |
~ Mayor Tinstle on ooblets, after the Player chooses their ooblet club and starting ooblet |
Taking Mayor Tinstle's advice, all we can do is support our Ooblets. Ooblets love dancing - not fighting - so they will challenge each other to dance battles to resolve their conflicts! Each species of Ooblet has a set of three unique dance moves that they can use. They start out with one and learn more as they level up their dancing.
You can convince wild Ooblets to dance off against your team by bribing them with the treabies and other items that they love. Winning a dance battle against a wild Ooblet in any of the different regions will let you gather a seed to plant on your farm. Once it grows, you can keep it on your farm or add it to the Ooblets who follow you, also known as your Followbabies. Up to 8 Ooblets can follow you on your adventures, and dance offs may require up to 6 of them to participate. Not all Ooblets are great at winning dance offs. (All of them are great at being cute.)
Is your team full? That's fine! You do have room on your farm for some extras, and you can house even more by building Oobcoops. Don't have enough Oobcoops? That's also fine. You can grow more Ooblets by releasing other Ooblets into the Wildlands. Ooblets are friends, not pets, and can live happily there. You can always invite them back into your team from there, too!
Life on the Farm[]
Your farm is more than a place to sleep for you and your Ooblets. Farming is super useful!
To farm, you need at least a tiller and a watering can. You don't need tools to clear weeds, sticks, and rocks from your farm, and you should do so whenever you have energy to spare. The detritus will give you resources that you will need for crafting or for fulfilling tasks, and you can only plant seeds on cleared and tilled land.
Tip: Clearing rocks can yield nurnies, a valuable resource on their own, but sometimes they can also yield the rare oobsidian. Tip: You can move 2x faster on wooden paths than you can on tilled ground.
Harvested crops might allow you to challenge new Ooblets and can be sold for gummies. Gummies are the main currency of Oob, so you'll need them if you want to go shopping for anything. That includes more seeds to grow more crops! Badgetown has the most shops, but most regions have special crop seeds. Some regions have other items available for purchase, too.
Tip: Clothlet seeds are very expensive and won't ever turn a profit, but you'll need them for crafting. Keep a lookout for when Meed puts them on sale - she'll have a small red sign on the display which means it's half off! Tip: Seeds for clothlets, sweetiebeeties, flootiflowers and pompadoots can occasionally be obtained from pulling weeds.
You can either sell the crops as they are, or you can further process them to try and increase their value. Your house luckily does come with a hot plate that works fine for cooking food. For drinks, however, you need to pay whatever Cuddlecups is charging these days for a good teapot. Some cooking ingredients will need to be foraged, not grown, so be sure to pick up any mushrooms or whatever you find around the world.
Some ingredients come from processing crops with Crunchsters and Swooshlers. Strangely enough, the more experience an Ooblet has from dancing, the better it is at using machinery.
Besides processing food, having Ooblets living on your farm can be super useful if you want to put less energy into crop care. Ooblets in basic Oobcoops can help you maintain your crops by weeding them. Upgraded Oobcoops can hold more Ooblets and let your Ooblets do more stuff, like watering, harvesting, planting, or even keeping your crops warm on snowy days!
You do not need to worry about crops dying. While wilting or freezing will stop them from growing, a little care can restore them to perfect health.
Other Things[]
- Since you moved to Badgetown, it's a good idea to befriend the residents. There are 16 people who will fall for your power of friendship. Other people exist, too, but they don't hand out friendship stickers.
- The other Badgetown people will buy stuff from you once you get your shop open and running. Also, Badgetown residents will face off with you in the daily Dance Barn tournaments for cool prizes after you help reopen the barn.
- Fixing Gimble's hot air balloon is a priority. Once it's fixed, she will fly you around Oob for free. Going to new areas means new Ooblets, new crops, new forageables, and more. Make flying somewhere part of your daily routine. (If you find a bottle with a mysterious map on the beach, you can reach its marked location with her help.)
- Tip: One region has arcade games. They can be challenging. There is an alternative way to earn high scores.
- Once you have access to the Wildlands, you should work to improve that as well. If you don't think you can finish a task, you can always cancel it and hope for an easier one the next day. Sometimes a Wildlands Ooblet decides to temporarily leave the Wildlands; they could be hiding anywhere around Badgetown, including inside buildings.
- There are daily tasks that earn wishies, which are only usable at the Wishy Well. It is a good idea to prioritize upgrades over resources and other items. The energy and speed upgrades can really help you do more in a day.
- When you go to sleep, you will see a preview of what Ooblets are available to find that day. Red names are normal Ooblets, yellow names are uncommon, and blue are the rarest: gleamies. Gleamies are more than just sparkly; the ones in your team or on the farm might find Oobsidian overnight if you're lucky.
- If you are very lucky, you may see a day with multicolored rain. This gleamy rain comes with at least one gleamy and a greater chance of rare foreageables appearing. Plus, it waters the crops just like normal rain.
- Maybe you have a day where you do not want to go to sleep at or before bedtime. That's fine. Your total max energy will slowly lower, beanjuice may stop having any effect, and the wild Ooblets will not change, but you are not actually required to sleep.
- Speaking of beanjuice, drinking it (or other drinks make with ground springbeans) increases your speed temporarily. Combined with using the sprint button, this can get you moving very fast as long as your stamina lasts.
- There is no such thing as fishing. Sea-dangling is what oobins do instead. You can use the reconstitooter to make bait that allows you to hook whatever is in the local dangling spot. The best bait takes a lot of slurry, so it's a good thing to always be reconstitooting.
- Sometimes physics get a little wobbly and make you get stuck - behind a wall, in the sky, or wherever. However, if you open the pause menu and go to your settings, you can find a little red "I'm Stuck" button that will free you from wherever you are trapped. Usually, this sends you back to where you entered the region.
Character Leveling[]
Basically anything you do earns XP for your character. Leveling your character can unlock new Tinstle Tasks and upgrades in the Wishy Well. (Past a certain level, leveling up will not unlock anything.) Below details the different ways the player can earn character XP. A daily summary of XP earned can be seen in the "Day Progress Breakdown" after going to sleep for the night.
- 20 xp per badge earned
- 15 xp per dance battle won
- 1 xp per item crafted
- 2 xp per crop planted
- 2 xp per crop harvested
- 1 xp per item sold or traded
- 1 xp per item found (foraging, sea dangling, winning tickets, etc.)
- 1 xp per friendship point earned (after Printypress is fixed); a normal daily interaction is 10 points
- 1.3 xp per gummy earned from player shop sales
- 1 xp per 10 gummies earned anywhere else
In-Game and Player Controls[]
PC Keyboard Controls[]
Note: The mouse can be used to select items from your tool bar, but will move the screen perspective. This also applies to using the scroller to look through expanded inventory. PC keyboard users can only move with the WASD keys.
Esc - Back/Pause Screen (Also shows the options for main menu, settings, or save and quit)
- To exit the pause screen, use esc key or press resume.
W - Forward
A - Left
S - Backward
D - Right
Left Shift (Hold) + W/A/S/D - Sprint in any direction (uses stamina)
Space Bar - Continue/Action (water crops, till soil, pick up items, etc.)
Left Tab - Grumboire (Inventory)
- Shows all items currently on your character, all befriended NPCs, current Ooblet Follow/Home Babies, all Badges earned, and the Almanac - a complete listing of all found Ooblets, Crops, Recipes, and Found Items
Q - Edit decoration mode (indoors) or Farming mode (outdoors)
- Use W/A/S/D or mouse to move item
- Use Z to rotate the item
- Use Space to remove item
- Use E to return item to inventory
C - Shows all owned decorations such as house paints, indoor wallpapers, flooring, carpets, and furniture items)
B - Expands Daily Wishies goals and all active tasks
- Press T to hide Daily Wishies goals and all active tasks
Number keys - Quickly access items from your took kit/hot bar.
Xbox Controller Controls[]
Left joystick - Move or look in any direction
(Hold) Right Bumper [R2] + Left joystick - Sprint (uses stamina)
Start - Back/Pause Screen (Also shows the options for main menu, settings, or save and quit)
- To exit, press Start
Nintendo Switch Controller Controls[]
Left joystick - Move or look in any direction
(Hold) Right Trigger [ZR] + Left joystick - Sprint (uses stamina)
Right joystick - sometimes used for scrolling (like on Daily Oobs page)
- Up - Expands Daily Wishies goals and all active tasks
- Right - Hides Daily Wishies goals and all active tasks
Left [L] or Right [R] Bumper - Select toolbelt items
B - Continue/action
A - Cancel action
X - Grumboire (contains inventory, friends list, Ooblets list, almanac, etc.)
Y - Other options, like consuming food (usually usable in Grumboire only)
+ button - Open/close pause screen (has options for save and quit to main menu, save without quitting, and settings)