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Ooblets Wiki

The official promotional image for the first Wintertime Event update in 2021

The Ooblets (game) Wintertime Event occurs in Badgetown every December. The 2024 event is available from December 1 - January 10.

2023 Wintertime Event Overview[]


The in-game announcement summary for the 2023 Wintertime Event

The 2023 Wintertime Event was first available on patch v1.4.30, starting on November 28, 2023. The event ran from November 28, 2023 through January 10, 2024. During the event, players could:

Most of the items that players can collect during this event will not be available again until next year's event.

Badgetown's Wintertime Makeover[]

Here are some highlights to look for around Badgetown during the event:

  • The buildings and other infrastructure have tons of festive decor.
    • Be sure to stick around after sundown to see the lights glow!
  • Some individual ooblets now wander around town in winter-themed costumes.
  • Wild ooblets all wear accessories, and they even bring them into dance battles.
    • This means that you can use Gopslop's "Grubby Hands" card to get additional copies of the accessories they wear. This includes some that are otherwise very difficult (or impossible) to obtain otherwise.
    • The wild ooblets will change their accessories each time you reload the area (such as entering and exiting a building). You can use this to help find the specific accessories you want.

Accessories Worn by Wild Ooblets[]

* At the time of writing, the accessories marked with an asterisk (*) above have no other known way for the player to acquire them other than to use Gopslop's "Grubby Hands" card during this event.

Festive Bobbles[]

During the event, Festive Bobbles will spawn on the ground all over Badgetown that the player can pick up at the cost of 3 energy.


Festive Bobble Spawn Locations

Gotsapon Prizes[]

Wintertime Event 2023 Promo

A closer look at the gotsapon machines from the 2023 Wintertime Event promotional image

In the middle of Badgetown, the Player can find a Wintertime Event display, whose main feature is four gotsapon machines. Players will exchange festive bobbles – which can be found on the ground around Badgetown – for a capsule containing a random item.

The following items are available from the Wintertime gotsapons, and each crank costs 5 festive bobbles. The item that is dispensed will be randomly selected from a pool of 10 or 11 items depending on which gotsapon is being cranked. You can preview the items available within each gotsapon machine prior to spending any bobbles. Clothing items and decor (e.g. paint, wallpaper) can only be dispensed once each, while all other items (e.g. ooblet accessories, furniture, treabies) can be dispensed any number of times.

Large Red Gotsapon (Left)[]

# Item Item Type
Fluffy Hat I
Fluffy Hat I Ooblet Accessory – Hats
Green Beanie
Green Beanie Clothing – Accessories
Yellow Beanie
Yellow Beanie Clothing – Accessories
Big Bobble Outfit
Big Bobble Outfit Clothing - Outfits
Flashy Indoor Plant
Flashy Indoor Plant Furniture - Decorations
Plant Bobble Ribbon Torus Thing
Plant Bobble Ribbon Torus Thing Furniture - Decorations
Jinglebread Oob Cookie
Jinglebread Oob Cookie Treabie
Festive Jimmies
Festive Jimmies Clothing - Outfits
Fall Sweater
Fall Sweater Clothing - Outfits
Holiday Special Starring Sweater II
Holiday Special Starring Sweater II Clothing – Outfits
Antlers 2
Antlers II Ooblet Accessory – Hats

Small Orange Gotsapon (Left)[]

# Item Item Type
Pantsabrrr Sweater
Pantsabrrr Sweater Clothing – Shirts
Blue Winter Sweater
Blue Winter Sweater Clothing - Shirts
Nother Blue Winter Sweater
Nother Blue Winter Sweater Clothing - Shirts
Camby Cane
Camby Cane Ooblet Accessory – Wands
Flashy Indoor Topiary
Flashy Indoor Topiary Furniture - Decorations
Festive Red Brick Exterior
Festive Red Brick Exterior Decor - Paint
Nice Winter Coat
Nice Winter Coat Clothing - Shirts
Green Winter Sweater
Green Winter Sweater Clothing - Shirts
Baby Present Costume
Baby Present Costume Ooblet Accessory – Hats
White Scarf
White Scarf Clothing – Accessories
Dance Party Sweater
Dance Party Sweater Clothing – Shirts

Large Red Gotsapon (Center)[]

# Item Item Type
Fluffy Hat II
Fluffy Hat II Ooblet Accessory – Hats
Antlers 1
Antlers I Ooblet Accessory – Hats
Spuddle Winter Sweater
Spuddle Winter Sweater Clothing - Shirts
Beanjuice Jumper
Beanjuice Jumper Clothing – Shirts
Holiday Special Starring Sweater I
Holiday Special Starring Sweater I Clothing – Outfits
Inedible Cocoa
Inedible Cocoa Tool
Gingerbread Wallpaper
Gingerbread Wallpaper Decor - Wallpaper
Festive Icy Lavender Exterior
Festive Icy Lavender Exterior Decor - Paint
Black Beanie
Black Beanie Clothing - Accessories
Red Beanie
Red Beanie Clothing - Accessories

Small Green Gotsapon (Right)[]

# Item Item Type
Snowflake Wallpaper
Snowflake Wallpaper Decor - Wallpaper
Gingerbread Exterior
Gingerbread Exterior Decor - Paint
Baby Warm Hat
Baby Warm Hat Ooblet Accessory – Hats
Blue Beanie
Blue Beanie Clothing - Accessories
Midnight Treabie-Fetching Slippers
Midnight Treabie-Fetching Slippers Clothing – Shoes
Festive Lights Exterior
Festive Lights Exterior Decor - Paint
White Beanie
White Beanie Clothing - Accessories
Striped Red Scarf
Striped Red Scarf Clothing – Accessories
Baby Snowplop Costume
Baby Snowplop Costume Ooblet Accessory – Hats
Rad Boy Winter Sweater
Rad Boy Winter Sweater Clothing – Shirts
Twinkle Lads
Twinkle Lads Furniture - Decorations

Other Items[]

There are two tables on either side of the gotsapons. The one on the left sells Meltilizer for 1 festive bobble, while the one on the right sells a Spaceheater for 10 festive bobbles.

Wintertime Oobmobiles[]


Wintertime Event Oobmobile Kiosk

The following Oobmobiles are only available during the Wintertime Event. They can be purchased for 300 gummies each from the secondary Oobmobile kiosk in the Licensing Office. Only one is available for purchase from the kiosk each day, and it is randomly selected from this list. A new one is randomly selected each day, regardless of whether you bought the previous one or not.


  • The gotsapons are likely named after named after real-world gashapon machines as both share a similar mechanic.[1] Additionally, the action to dispense items from the gotsapons is “crank it!”, similar to the cranking sound made by real-life gashapons.
  • Similar to the Halloween Event, the dates the Wintertime Event is active depends on the date set on one's system clock, rather than actual "real-world time". As such, time traveling to unlock the Wintertime Event is possible, similar to how time traveling works in the Animal Crossing games.

